Sunday, July 27, 2008


This week the blog was inspired by the muses showed in american rapper clips, the japanese speed racings and mangas. From the music came the slim shape and sensuality, from Japan the style’s mixture and colours and from manga the hair style and the attitude. Therefore, a mix from different worlds, but everyone is trying to show his/her personality.
Esta semana o blog se inspirou no mundo das “musas” dos clips de rappers americanos, nas corridas de velocidade japonesas e mangás. Da música vem as roupas justas, decotas e sensuais, do Japao as misturas de estilos e cores e dos mangas o cabelo e a atitude. Enfim, uma mistura de mundos diferentes, mas que sempre querem mostrar suas personalidades.

Monday, July 14, 2008


This week the blog is celebrating the Roller’s Club. Mixing 70’s and 80’s, Club 54 and Dancing Days, the atmosphere is full of good music: Jamiroquai, David Bowie, Queen, Groove Armada and others. The clothes are very comfortable: shorts, t-shirts and bright leggings in a lovely harmony, relaxed and very happy.

Esta semana o blog foi até a um Clube de Roller para festejar. Com um clima que mistura anos 70-80, Clube 54 e Dancing Days a festa foi embalada por muita música boa: Jamiroquai, David Bowie, Queen, Groove Armada e outros. As roupas, super confortáveis, vao de shorts a leggings brilhantes em um clima animado, descontraído e super festeiro.